Saturday, September 24, 2011

New blog!

Since Google+ doesn't have notes (quite possibly my favorite part of my soon to be frozen Facebook account), I am dragged kicking and screaming into the blogosphere.  So, with thanks to Bob Dylan for my title, here I am. I sort of doubt that anyone will actually be coming here, but that'll just make me like 90% of the other blogs.  I'll adsense it anyway, though.  I need as much money as I can to keep my women happy, after all.


  1. Those annoying ads down there give you money? Enough to justify them? Cause I think mine are turned off.

  2. Annoying ads? Ohh, yeah mine are turned off too, from a viewer's standpoint I mean. I have Adblock plus actively running on Facebook. If it'll help, I can re-enable them though and click an ad. :P

    Oh, and someone actually came to your blog! :)
