Saturday, November 12, 2011

The seldom seen side

I have recently been informed that my tastes in equipment have come to define me.  I have a penchant for professional grade tools, quality clothing, and upper middle shelf personal accessories.  I was raised that one spends extra money on the front end to save money on the tail end.

This reputation has caused the beloved to find my collection of cheap alien trash thoroughly confusing.

In an earlier post, I found that dots like aliens.  This new information inspired me to retrieve my collection form the basement.

A small sample

While my brother spent his early years collecting smiley face paraphernalia, my tastes ran a bit more eccentric.  Consequently, if it's cheap, tacky, made in China and has a green face on it, I probably own one.  Granted the X-files I want to believe poster isn't precisely cheap, tacky (arguably) or made in China, but every collection has its exceptions.  I would also like to point out that my brother's smiley face collection is much larger.

Unfortunately, the beloved has already introduced the woodland critters theme, which prevents me from surrounding the dot with my much more tasteful collection.

Maybe for the next child.

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