Friday, June 20, 2014

Third Shift, Part III(b)

Since I apparently cut my original post short--probably to care for the Dot--and then fell asleep before returning to it, I'll give a quick attempt at recapping.

I do not remember much of last night.  I was staying with the Dot in order to prevent her from spending the night tranq'd on Ativan.  I am not known for my ability to cope with those I love being in pain that I cannot resolve, so before clocking in, I resorted to tranquilizing myself.

Better living through Chemistry, Baby.

I do remember a whole lot of diaper changing.  Dr. Fearon does not believe in wound drains.  Any surgeon can tell you they are an infection risk, but some find them worth the risk.  In this case, however, the Dot's body is absorbing all the fluids on its own.  We know based on the fact that her diapers weighed about 20 pounds...a piece.

My response time for the Dot's needs the first night proved slower than the PICU nurse's despite being in the room already.  I blame the recliner I was sleeping in.  It was really hard to get out of.  So for the second night, I just crashed in the Dot's bed to limit the need for strangers to care for her.  I am proud to say that it worked.

In a current update, we were discharged from the hospital this morning at 1100.  The Dot is barely swollen, which allows us to admire her head's new shape.  We have been assured there will be swelling in the next two weeks, but for now, her eyes are both open again.

She is also up and running.  With the exception of two extra naps today, she is at her own baseline normal.

We have officially joined the Dr. Fearon fan club.

And in an interesting side note, the Builder and the Teacher were only one year too early to be charter members of the fan club, as Dr. Fearon did his fellowship at The Floating Hospital the year after my second surgery.

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